Join ESXI Host to Active Directory

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Most IT administrators use built-in administrative account root to manage their ESXI host or even to connect from Vcenter  

VMware  give you  the ability to add hosts to an Active Directory (AD) forest, as effective central administration


Advantages of Join ESXI to AD

This approach has some advantages like

  • allows you to perform AD-based authentication. This allows a common set of user accounts to be used within both the Microsoft and VMware environments.
  • also help with security and the auditing of administrative actions.
  • guaranteeing that server clocks are synchronized across both Windows and VMware environments. With Net Time Protocol NTP

Potential Disadvantages

some IT administrators argue that join ESXI to AD domain has One potential disadvantage that breaks down isolation boundaries.

Which means  If an organization’s AD is compromised >> the VMware hosts could be compromised as well.

  For best practice >>  some organizations find it helpful to create two separate AD forests.

  • One forest makes up the AD environment used by the users, devices and applications users need to do their jobs.
  • The second forest is a lower-level forest that exists for administrative purposes. This a forest might contain the organization’s virtualization hosts and management tools.

This approach can be especially beneficial to organizations that operate a heterogeneous collection of virtualization hosts, because it brings all of the hosts and management tools together within a common AD forest

Network Diagram

ESXI Network Diagram

to best understad the situation , please have a look to netwrok diagram above 

we have domain controller with the following 

  • IP address :
  • services : DC for AD pioneers.lab
  • DNS for domain Pioneers.lab 
  • NTP server to synchronize time with other environment servers 

also we 3 ESXI servers

  • ESXI151 with IP address 
  • ESXI152 with IP address
  • ESXI153 with IP address


step 01 : verify ESXI network Configuraqtion

before join ESXI to AD : we have to make sure ESXI are configured properly to avoid any error when join AD 

we can use Vcenter web client or ESXI web client to configure ESXI host 

here : we will use ESXI web client to configure 

networking > tcp/IP stack > default stack > edit settings
cerify your ESXI settigns
verify management IP address

Step02 : Sync time between ESXI and DC

 Time synchronization is required between ESXI and AD domain Controller , so ESXI is able to join AD  

Server DC101.pioneers.lab run NTP services

Now we have to configure ESXI151 to synch time to DC101


manage > system > time & date > edit settings
set NTP server IP > and make NTP service to startup with ESXI host
run NTP service
NTP service running and connected to NTP server

Step03 : create DNS record

we hihgky recommend to create A Host record in DNS server manually rather than auto registration to avoid any DNS issue could raised later 

create DNS record manually for ESXI host

Step04 : Join ESXI to Active Directory

Now it’s time to join ESXI host to Active N

Manage > security > authentication > join domain
set domain name and provide credintial
ESXI join to AD successfully

Step05: Verify Join ESXI to AD

to verify Join ESXI to Active Directory 

open console Active Directory Users and Computers > computer container 

ESXI record in AD console
repeat same step to other ESXI hosts > ALL three ESXI join to AD

Post Join ESXI to AD

Now ESXI host has joined Active Directory successfully , 

BUT ,,,,

NON of domain users [even administrator ] are able to manage or access ESXI host >> since we have to configure permission and RBAC [Role Based Access Control 

next article we will discuss how to join Vcenter to Active Directory before see how to configure domain users to access and manage ESXI host

thank you for joining us 

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