software management Introduction
in SLES : software management can be done with one of the following :
- Graphically with Yast
- Command line with Suse Tool Zypper
- Command Line with Tool RPM
YaST is Grate software management module to search for software components [ add or remove ]
YaST resolves all dependencies To install packages not shipped with the installation media,
add software repositories to your setup and let YaST manage them. Also you can Keep your system up-to-
date by managing software updates with the update applet.
Managing Software Repositories
Currently in SLES123.pioneers.lab : we have only one repository which is Sust online store
Let us supposed we have copy SLES 15 DVD 1 and SLES 15 DVD 2 in folder called /resources
[regarding transfer file from/to SLES: it will be fully discussed later win great tool WinSCP
Now we would like to make SLES DVDs 1+2 as repository for software installation rather than SUSE Online Store
to manage repositories, start YaST and select Software › Software Repositories.
Views for Searching Packages or Patterns
The YaST software manager can install packages or patterns from all currently enabled repositories.
It offers different views and filters to make it easier to find the software you are searching for.
The Search view is the default view of the window. To change view, click View and select one of the following entries from the drop-down box. The selected view opens in a new tab.
Updating Packages
Instead of updating individual packages, you can also update all installed packages or all packages from a certain repository. When mass updating packages, the following aspects are generally considered:
- priorities of the repositories that provide the package,
- architecture of the package (for example, AMD64/Intel 64),
- version number of the package,
- package vendor.
Package Dependencies
Most packages are dependent on other packages.
If a package, for example, uses a shared library> it is dependent on the package providing this library.
On the other hand, some packages cannot coexist, causing a conflict (for example, you can only install one mail transfer agent: sendmail or postfix).
When installing or removing software, the Software Manager makes sure no dependencies or conflicts remain unsolved to ensure system integrity.
In case there exists only one solution to resolve a dependency or a conflict, it is resolved automatically.
Multiple solutions always cause a conflict which needs to be resolved manually. If solving a conflict involves a vendor or architecture change, it also needs to be solved manually.
- When clicking Accept to apply any changes in the Software Manager, you get an overview of all actions triggered by the automatic resolver which you need to confirm.
in SLES : software management can be done with one of the following :
- Graphically with Yast
- Command line with Suse Tool Zypper
- Command Line with Tool RPM
in this article : we have seen how to manage software using Yast
next article we will discuss how to use Zypper in software management
thanks you for joining us