software management Introduction
in SLES : software management can be done with one of the following :
- Graphically with Yast
- Command line with Suse Tool Zypper
- Command Line with Tool RPM
Zypper is a command line package manager for installing, updating and removing packages. It also manages repositories. It is especially useful for accomplishing remote software management tasks or managing software from shell scripts.
Zypper is Grate software management module to search for software components [ add or remove ]
Zypper resolves all dependencies To install packages not shipped with the installation media,
add software repositories to your setup and let Zypper manage them. Also you can Keep your system up-to-date by managing software updates with the update applet.
Zypper software management
it is clear that most users of Linux require both the Linux kernel and a large suite of accompanying software (a shared C library; traditional Unix utilities such as grep, awk, and sed; an editor, such as vi; a shell, such as the Bourne-Again bash shell; and so forth) to complete the various tasks for which they typically employ Linux.
most Linux users don’t make the distinction between the kernel (technically the only part that is Linux) and all the extra packages (technically “everything else”) that comes with a Linux distribution. Most users simply refer to the whole thing as “Linux.
Zypper is a command line package manager for installing, updating and removing packages as well as for managing repositories
Zypper configuration file > /etc/zypp/zypper.conf
Zypper equivalent to [apt-get] in Debian & ubuntu and [YUM] in Centos and RedHat
Zypper Command Parameters
Zypper install [softwarename]
install either from current folder path or from repository
Zypper remove [softwarename]
remove package
Zypper update [softwarename]
à update either from current folder path or from repository
Zypper info [softwarename]
list package info
Zypper search [packageneame or softwarename]
search for package
zypper packages --installed-only
show all software installed ONLY
Zypper list update à view all the available updates
zypper source-install apache2-mod_ns à install sources package
means running the command without asking anything (automatically applying the default answers):
means applying all needed patches to the system without asking to confirm any licenses (they will automatically be accepted):
below some example of using zypper
Manage Respository with Zypper
as we mentioned earlier
beside of software manager : > zypper is working also as repository manager
currently SLES124 have ONLY one repository which is SUSE online store
we have copied SLES installation DVDs :
[ SLES installation DVD 01] & [ SLES installation DVD 02] into folder [ /resources ]