in previous article : we have successfully installed and configured LAMP [Linux ,Apache ,MySQL ,PHP]
all with text command
in this article part 2 with text command also ,we will :
- Create and configure Maria database for WordPress
- Download WordPress
- Install WordPress
- Customize our site
Please remember WordPress requires [Apache, PHP and MySQL]
So … make sure all step in article part 1 are done successfully
WordPress Network Diagram
before Diving into configure wordpress
let us to have a look to above network diagram
SLES124 will be configured as :
- apache HTTP server > Done
- MySQL as Database Server >DOne
- PHP scripting Lang server >Done
- WordPress as CMS Content Management System > in this article
since SLES124 in DMZ [servers farm] : we we have to consider network firewall [which is PFsense in our case ]
Step 01 create Maria Data base
in previous article we have successfully installed MySQL >
now just we will create Database called hr > since we will create web site for HR department
use command to login to MySQL command prompt
mysql -u root -p
then provide credential
create database called hr01 > since we will create website for HR department (for example )
create user called wp admin which will be responsible to manage DB hr01
CREATE USER 'wpadmin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'wppassword';
now grant user wpadmin full privileges on DB hr01
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON hr01.* TO 'wpadmin'@'localhost';e
finally flush database privileges
Download latest WordPress from official site,
we can use browser [chrome of firefox] to download latest version from
but today we will learn to use grate command tool called [wget]
this tools is NOT installed
so … first we will install it
zypper install wget
now use wget to download latest version of wordpress
file is compressed > just extract it
tar -zxvf latest.tar.gz
move wordpress to folder htdocs
/srv/www/htdoc is the default folder for website > its equevilant to fodler [wwwroot] in microsoft IIS
mv wordpress/* /srv/www/htdocs
then copy wp-config file
cp /srv/www/htdocs/wp-config-sample.php /srv/www/htdocs/wp-config.php
edit wp-config file
since we have installed graphic desktop environment on SLES previously > we can use default GNOME to open file wp-config : and you are free to use it
but let us to supposed that SLES is fully text command and X11 is NOT installed
SLES have grate text editor tool called [vim]
it’s NOT installed > let us to install it
zypper install vim
now it’s time to edit wp-config file with vim text editor
vi /srv/www/htdocs/wp-config.php
set the following parameter
- define( ‘DB_NAME’, ‘hr01’ );
- /** MySQL database username */
define( ‘DB_USER’, ‘wpadmin’ ); - /** MySQL database password */
define( ‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘wppassword’ ); - /** MySQL hostname */
define( ‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’ )
Make the apache user as the owner to WordPress directory.
chown -R wwwrun /srv/www/htdocs