SRM Placeholder Datastores Mapping

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in previous  three articles we have discussed network mapping and resource mapping as well as folder mapping 

in this article we will continue to discuss place holder datastore mapping 


placeholder VM

What is A placeholder

A placeholder VM  is   subset of VM  files that is created ,

when a VM  is added to a recovery plan. It cannot be powered on.

 A placeholder VM  provides a  mark  in the DR  site inventory that a VM  is protected.

The Only purpose  of placeholder VM  is to reserve a place in the inventory of the DR  site.

Placeholder VM s are composed only of very few files *.vmx, *.vmxf, and *.vmsd files.

The disk files (*.vmdk) are not present.

The placeholder VM  files have a size of approximately 1KB each.


Why we need  placeholder

SRM placeholder DataStores is used to store the placeholder VM s at the recovery site.  

SRM placeholder DataStores reserves a place for protected VM s in the recovery site’s inventory.

 Placeholder DataStores does not need to be replicated and it must be visible to all esxi hosts in the cluster.

 Placeholder DataStores needs to established in both primary and secondary sites to facilitate the reproduction.

 SRM placeholder DataStores can be on local storage or shared storage available to all ESXi hosts in the cluster.


When you add vm’s to the SRM protection group  > SRM creates a placeholder virtual machine at recovery site .

how to identify VM  placeholder

You can easily identify the placeholder virtual machines by their unique icon on the recovery site.

Configuring SRM Placeholder Datastores

To configure the place holder mapping :

Login to your Protected site vCenter server VCSA-prod-155  using vSphere web client. 


Click on SRM plugin -> Select Protected site vCenter and Click on  Create place holder mapping under inventory mappings.

open vcenter > site recovery > open site recovery
select place holder > select production > new
select any remote or local datastore > we will select ISCSI datastore
place holder created for production site
select DR site > new
you are free to select any remote or local datastore > we will select ISCSI datastore
place holder mapping configured for DR site


this is fourth mapping we have configured beside of three mapping configured previously [resources , folder ,network ]


next articles we will complete mapping with fifth [storage policy mapping ]

thank you for joining us 

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