Hi there
this article we will get some introduction about SQL Server Reporting Services SSRS concept and how it is integrated with SCOM server
later we will see how to configure SSRS for SCOM server
SSRS concepts
SSRS stand for SQL Server Reporting Service
Reports are a good way to get data specific for a certain time period,
A report server is a computer that has an instance of Reporting Services installed.
A report server internally stores items such as reports, report-related items and resources, schedules, and subscriptions.
A report server can be configured as a stand-alone single server or part of SQL server or even it can be integrated with SCOM Server.
You interact with report server items through the Reporting Services Web service, WMI provider, URL access, or programmatically through scripts.
The way that you interact with a report server depends on the deployment topology and the configuration.
In our case [use SSRS for SCOM server ] : we will access SSRS from SCOM server itself [from reporting workspace ]
Reporting and SQL
most common SQL editions these days are
- SQL 2016 : SSRS is part SQL installation DVD , and there is NO need to be downloaded from MS website
- SQL 2017 : SSRS is NOT part SQL installation DVD , and there is need to be downloaded from MS website
Reports are a good way to get data specific for a certain time period,
A Reporting Server is a component of the SCOM architecture processing the reporting of monitoring data.
In SCOM 2007, the Reporting Server was an optional component, like the Web Console.
BUT ….
since SCOM 2012 : It became a mandatory component
The Reporting Server is a server role processing the reporting in the SCOM environment. It requires to work a SQL Server Reporting Services instance and make the connection with the Operational Database and the Data Warehouse.
reporting service is ONE of the MOSt useful SCOM tools to represent data in readable and analysable content
this was a brief introduction to SCOM reporting services
next article : we will discuss how to install and use reporting service