Multi Factor Authentication : Google Authenticator App

introduction previous article : we have seen how to configure MFA with microsoft authenticator app as we have seen prove approve or reject action on real time this article we will configure user to use google authenticator app which work on different approach of microsoft authenticator app Google Authenticator is a software-based authenticator by Google that implements two-step verRead More…

Multi Factor Authentication : Microsoft Authenticator App

introduction in previous article : we have got an overview about MFA this article we will see how to configure user to use [microsoft authenticator app ] as second factor microsoft authenticator app Microsoft Authenticator is a multifactor app for mobile devices that generates time-based codes used during the Two-Step Verification process. we can download microsoft authenticator app from Read More…

Multi Factor Authentication : the concepts

introduction In cloud  environment :  the simple  authentication of  “username and password”   can be easily breached by cyber criminals. and Many logins  can be compromised in  minutes >>  then private data; such as personal and financial details, will be under  threat. Which lead us to try to add more authentication methods to make it very difficult to breach your accoRead More…

Identity Protection: Introduction to Azure Active Directory

introduction speaking about microsoft 365 without pointing to Azure Active Directory is meaningless simply because Microsoft 365 is relay on Azure Active Directory [AAD ] for identity management in the first article of series  identity management & Protection  : we have found here in networks pioneers that it is very  important to understand Azure Active Directory [later referred to Read More…